Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who Would Be Allowed to Carry on Campus?

A recent blog posted by Reeve Hamilton of the Texas Tribune: Texplainer, was in response to the question of “Who would be able to carry hand guns on campus?”, if the campus carry bill passes.  He notes that some supporters suggest that only those with concealed handgun licenses (CNL) would benefit with the passed bill.  He also points out that the particular individual must be 21 years of age, with no criminal background, of sound mind and with no chemical dependencies. His argument zooms in on the fact that if this bill is passed, mostly upper graduate students and elders would benefit, and this is the majority who would be able to carry handguns.  A survivor John Woods, from the Virginia Tech shootings, opinioned that younger individuals with a CNL are more prone to act out that older individuals.

I believe that the audience for this post is most definitely intended for the student body and of course those participating in the passing of the Campus Carry Bill.  I myself,  do not agree with any sort of law passing that allows weapons on campus, whether it being allowed for those individuals who meet the qualifications or whether it be allowed for all individuals on campus.  However, if the bill does pass, I agree with Hamilton, and the point made that at least those who do decide to carry a concealed weapon, will be at least somewhat older in age, if not an elder, and have to meet all qualifications required.

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